

My portfolio includes everything from magazine-style features to long-form reporting on topical policy issues.





Say hello to the world’s new greetings, BBC Travel

Travel is said to increase cultural understanding. Does it? National Geographic

An Experiment in Nanotourism, Fields & Stations; ASJA Annual Writing Award Winner, 2023

Nonprofit Writing

I have a master’s in public administration and deep expertise in community research, fund development, grant writing and nonprofit marketing. Here are a few samples of my nonprofit writing:

In addition to writing for nonprofits, I also write about nonprofits and the philanthropic trends that impact them.

Content Marketing

My lived experiences and journalistic storytelling skills help me bring authenticity and depth to content marketing projects. Past client work includes B2B content, blog posts, brand journalism and thought leadership articles.

“We partnered with Ruth to create content for a B2B print magazine that focused on the many kinds of accessible and diverse travel. Her lived experiences influenced this work and she had a deep network of sources to share their perspectives too — the end result was exceptional.”

Courtney Fowler, VP of Operations, Revmade